Today I was...what? involved with? user of? three very good things.

First of all, I finished the book
What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty. Imagine getting a do-over of all the snarky, testy things you've said to your spouse (and spouse has said to you), and getting to see with fresh eyes the situations that led up to those comments. Alice falls down at the gym, hits her head, and gets amnesia. She awakes, thinking it is 10 years previous. Imagine her shock, finding out that she's thin and in terrific shape, finding out that she has three children, and finding out that she and her beloved husband are divorcing. It's an interesting take on an old idea, and I really enjoyed it.
What Alice Forgot is a wistful look at the way lives unexpectedly turn out, and it's even a bit funny in spots. I recommend it.
Secondly, I wore my new shoes when I went out for coffee this morning. For some reason, I had a yen to get some
moccasins to wear this fall.
Beaded moccasins. What's that saying, "The heart has reasons of which the mind knows nothing"? Well, beaded moccasins may not be what whoever said that had in mind, but, well, there you go. So anyway, I went to
Zappos way back in July and got my mocs. They are by
Minnetonka, called
Thunderbird Suede Boat Sole, and they are sooo comfy! Now, no, they are not the most glamorous footwear I own, but they are comfortable, cozy, and fall-y, which is just what I wanted. And they have a Top-Sider-type sole, so you could actually wear them in adverse conditions. Or when you go boating (what, in your birchbark canoe?).
Finally, furthering my sartorial autumnal agenda, I put on my
corduroy pants from
L.L. Bean for the first time today (can you tell the weather was much cooler than it has been in ages?). Once again, back in July I decided I wanted corduroy (hey, did you know that comes from the French
corde du roi, meaning cord for the king, which is to say that this corded fabric used to be only worn by royalty? I'm telling you, the things you learn, hanging out with me--I'm like
Cliff Clavin) pants for fall. Sooo, since LL is my new favorite store, I got a pair there. I love them!

They are called
Saturday Pants, they are
boot cut, and I got them in the curvy fit. Comfy and well-fitting right out of the gate, and very little skwiff-skwiff noise (you know, the noise corduroy sometimes makes when you walk?).
So now you have a good book to read and some comfy (apparently the word of the day) clothes to wear. Yay Fall!
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