Some previous day, hopefully you went to Trader Joe's and bought a bottle of their spiced apple cider. And at some other point in your travels, hopefully you happened to pick up some Calvados (apple brandy from France). Now all you have to do is heat the spiced cider in a mug (the microwave is fine--let's not make more work here), and when it's done, pour in a shot of Calvados. I feel quite sure you will be pleased.
And while you are knocking back a spiked cider (or two?) maybe a little something on the stereo? Maybe Christopher O'Riley's Out of My Hands (all piano music--get it?). Or Tony Bennett
Or how about a movie? It's still a bit too early for Christmas movies (well, at least for most people, myself not exactly included...), so how about something like The Ghost and Mrs. Muir? Gene Tierney is so beautiful, and Rex Harrison so dashing (albeit crabby...), it's excellent rainy-day/night fodder.
So there you go. You have all the information you need to have a relaxing, entertaining evening tomorrow night. Enjoy!
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