I realize that this is a bit of a rant, and that I'm going to sound old and cranky. I actually am old and cranky, though, so that's not terribly surprising. Let's proceed.
I watched the American Music Awards last night. Well, I was in the room most of the time when the American Music Awards were on. Not usually my bag. In fact, I've never seen them before, but that's just how the TV planets aligned in our house, and long story short, I saw
the AMAs. And I have to say...what the hell was that?
Is the dirty little secret of pop music that no one can carry a tune in a bucket?
performed the most insipid, not catchy, off-key crap. He seemed like he needed a nap. Watching
Nicki Minaj 
confirmed to me that the wigs and costumes are to distract you from the the fact that there is no
there there. A wildly manscaped (boyscaped?)
Justin Bieber wore a little sleeveless

top and performed some oddly acoustic thing, obviously meant to show what a serious artist he is, and it was all off-key. Pink did some post-apocalyptic domestic violence

acrobat piece (with body paint--of course), once again an insipid, not-catchy piece of work.
Carrie Underwood had a great dress on , and I think I might have liked her song (and I'm not a country music fan), had she been on key. It's bizarre--such mediocrity on an awards show. But don't record sales speak to who is the "best"? Why an awards show?
I have no problem with good
pop music.
Gwen Stefani? All great artists, all pop to the nth degree. Usher's song "OMG"
(listen)--so fun, so catchy, and just a great piece of American pop. Pink's "Please Don't Leave Me"
(listen) or "So What"
(listen) and the rest of that Funhouse album is great pop music. So what the Sam Hill was all that tripe last night? The best part of the AMAs was Carrie Underwood

Taylor Swift's dresses. And Taylor Swift's eye makeup--she's got the smoky eye

down pat (well, her makeup artist does). So here's some music to which you may want to lend an ear. Some pop, some not. Just a bit different. Click on these links to hear some aural relief.
Batteries May Drain (Steve Hauschildt)Super Rich Kids (Frank Ocean)All Eyes on You (Diego Garcia)In the Air (Morgan Page, Sultan, & Ned Shepard)Come Visit Me (The Rosebuds)Tongue Tied (Grouplove)Shock Value (Little Grey Girlfriend)Holy Holy (Wye Oak)Young, Beautiful, etc. (Second Date)Another English Summer (Future Loop Foundation)

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