www.NOAA.gov I am a little bit weather obsessed, and this site caters to that. You type in the name of your city and state, and it gives the seven-day forecast, as well as any special updates. In our neck of the woods, the summer forecast consists of slight variations on the theme of hot and sunny. Nevertheless, I probably check it almost daily (because frankly, you just can't be too careful). In the winter I'm checking it at least once a day. Okay, so maybe I'm more than a little bit weather obsessed....
www.astrologyzone.com What can I say? I love reading my horoscope--it feels like I'm reading all about me me me (and trust me--in real life it's never all about me me me). On the first day of the month, AstrologyZone does a huge prediction for every sign, and it's just a lot of fun.
www.makeupalley.com I usually resist, kicking and screaming, any time I have to register for a site just to browse it. But I've never got any spam from them or apparently because of them, so I guess I don't have a problem with it. Makeup Alley's best feature is the product reviews, written by the site's users, which include drugstore makeup, department store makeup, shampoo, fragrance, hair color...everything beauty related.
www. hookedonhouses.net Addictive. You look at
MLS listings gone awry, information about houses in movies and on
TV, before and afters, celebrity homes (
Jennifer Aniston's house--too museumy and cold.
Sally Field's house--I loved it).... I have to literally
make myself turn off the computer--I can't stop!
www.whatshouldireadnext.com You enter the title of a book you enjoyed, and it gives you suggestions for similar books. Sometimes the recommendations are a bit out of left field, but most of the time it's pretty good.
Naturally I didn't mention
Amazon or
Zappos or things like that--everybody knows about those. But I'm sure I'll think of a whole bunch more sites as soon as I post this....