I feel like I should phrase it "made in
the US of A." Seems flag wavey-er. But you know what? Waving the flag is exactly what we should be doing. We need to make stuff in this country again or we're never going to get out of the mess we're in. And not just cars. Everything. You know, like it used to be? When you saw "made in Japan" or "made in Taiwan" and you knew the thing was junk? Not like now, when you have to resign yourself to just about every electronic item there is, and anything made of plastic, being made in
China. This was in the news recently with some reports of
Diane Sawyer's, but it seems to have faded away again. I have to tell you that I've been on a not-made-in-China kick for a long time. About 10 years ago I noticed that just about every non-food item sold in
Target was made in China, so I stopped buying those items. If you limit yourself to only buying things that are
not made in China, I guarantee your mindless throw-it-in-the-cart-it's-cheap way of life will stop. You'll save money! You'll stop filling your house with worthless crap! Due to the lousy products we have accepted as a way of life, thanks to
Ikea, and Target, the antique stores of the future will be empty.
C'mon! Do your part! If you can buy something made somewhere besides China, do it! And if you can buy something made in USA (excuse me--the US of A), that's best of all. If there is any choice (which sadly with computers, TVs, etc., there doesn't seem to be), you must choose the item produced domestically. I wandered around my kitchen for, like, two minutes and found some great products that are well made, reasonably priced, and made HERE.
Lodge cast iron serving kettle;
Le Creuset spatulas;
Ball collection elite canning jars;
Anchor Hocking cracker jar;
Swing-a-Way can opener;
Edlund stainless steel locking tongs; Cuisipro microplane grater
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